Coporate Video and Motion

Direction, Creative Direction, Editing, Illustration, Graphic Design, Animation, and Titling


Arts, Entertainment, Service, and Retail Motion + Video


Case Study: Title sequence for Fritz Lang’s FURY, 1936

In 1935, Fritz Lang set out to make an anti-lynching film within the Hollywood system. Due to the sensitive nature such a topic at the time, however, he had to make some compromises and instead made Fury (1936) - an anti-mob mentality film starring Spencer Tracey and Sylvia Sydney. Lang has long been one of my favorite directors and Fury is one of his most impactful films, yet, due to budget constraints at the time, the film’s opening is just a single still title card. For my first foray into Red Giant Cinema 4D, I charged myself with creating a new title sequence using only the amount of time originally allotted between the MGM logo and the start of the first scene that I hoped would do this incredible film and story a bit more justice.



Social Media Motion + Video